Raising calves in sheds
Calves belong to a group of animals that must be provided with excellent rearing conditions in order to minimize the risk of disease as much as possible. Any disease recorded in the early stages of development leaves negative consequences in the future, in the form of both lower body weight gain and lower milk production. It often happens that calves are kept in dark, low and poorly ventilated rooms, which primarily translates into the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Insufficient access to light significantly limits the production of vitamin D, which is responsible for, among other things, for building the body's immunity. To avoid such problems, it is worth considering keeping calves in boxes outside the livestock building. This solution has also been successfully operating in the climatic conditions of our country for several years. This system of keeping calves has many advantages that justify implementing it on your own farm. First of all, young animals have almost unlimited access to fresh air and natural light, which basically completely solves problems with room ventilation. As a result, animals are in better health and suffer from respiratory diseases much less frequently.

The system of keeping calves in hutches also introduces many organizational improvements for the people handling them. Due to the compact size and relatively low weight of the hood, moving it is not difficult, especially if it is equipped with transport wheels. This allows for efficient litter replacement without the need to maneuver in tight spaces. The location of the houses in an open space also allows for efficient feeding of animals.

Keeping calves in outdoor sheds is an excellent alternative for farms that struggle with the problem of limited capacity of livestock buildings. Purchasing several or a dozen boxes is a much faster and cheaper solution compared to the construction of a calf shed. When deciding on the location of the booths, it is worth taking into account exposure to solar radiation and wind. It is worth placing them in a place protected from the wind, which is especially important in the autumn and winter. Observing the products available on the market, one can see significant technological progress. An example is the Can Agri Premium canopy, which is made of high-quality plastic with an additional UV filter that limits the penetration of radiation into the inside of the canopy, thanks to which the internal temperature is always lower than the ambient temperature. The material used is highly resistant to weather conditions and mechanical damage. The material from which the booth is constructed also ensures easy cleaning and disinfection, which can be handled best with a pressure washer.

Maintaining a high level of hygiene is key to preventing diarrhea. Another important element of the equipment is a large flap located at the back of the hood. The ability to set it at any angle ensures optimal ventilation, depending on the season and weather conditions. Another important part of the structure is the fence made of galvanized steel. This increases the area available for the calf. The possibility of attaching a fence to the booth allows the set to be operated by one person. All these elements influence the comfort of calves kept in this system and, as a result, translate into better health, greater weight gain and higher performance in the future.